Mindfulness & Anxiety

Mindfulness & Anxiety


Have you ever taken some time to think about how many thoughts (both positive and negative) cross your mind every single day? 

Having so much on our minds can be very exhausting. 

No matter how much time we spend thinking about what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow won’t change anything.

That’s where mindfulness comes in. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to focus on ourselves instead of the people/events around us.

Connecting with our inner thoughts and body can help you enjoy the little things in life. 

You can be present and take in the beauty of your surroundings – you just have to let yourself.

Concentrate On Your Breathing

Breathing is one of those activities we do without even thinking about.  

But you can think about it if you put the work in. Here’s a little assignment for you to try this week.

Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes and concentrate on nothing more than your breathing for ten minutes. You can set a timer if you like.

Let any background noise or potential distractions drift away.

You may notice your mind slowly drifting, and that’s okay. Let your thoughts guide you and embrace the process. 

Be Aware of Your Body 

Take note of how your body is feeling and be in-tune with your senses. 

What is around you? Listen to your surroundings.

What can you hear, smell, or touch?

Listening to the body’s signals can be a powerful practice. It’s normal to experience headaches, stomach aches or nausea during high-stress situations. 

Being aware of our body’s typical reaction to stress can make the overall process less scary since we know it’s coming and won’t last forever. 

Tune into Your Thoughts and Feelings

Where is your mind at? Having a moment to be alone with your thoughts and feelings can help you better understand them. 

Riding a wave of your thoughts can help you notice them and name them for what they are.

Whether you’re feeling happy, sad or something in between, mindfulness can help you recognize your emotions and deal with them in healthy ways. 

“Wherever you go, there you are.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn