Enjoying your college experience is all about finding a balance.
Remember Who You Are
College is a time for exploration and for finding out who you are.
Each day you can get a step closer to shaping yourself into the person you want to be.
So, figuring out what works best for you is a part of the deal.
By developing a routine for yourself you can better understand your wants and needs.
Invest In Relationships
Having connections with your classmates or roommates can make your college experience memorable.
It’s also important for your mental health to keep in contact with friends, family, or other peers who can support you.
College is a journey but not one that you have to do alone.
Open yourself up to the experiences around you and invest in your relationships with others.
Take Breaks Frequently
Spending time unwinding is very beneficial and gives your mind much-needed rest.
You can recharge, relax and rejuvenate yourself by doing fun and/or relaxing activities.
Anything to give yourself some time before diving back into your schoolwork.
Getting Through It Together: Parent OCD Support Group
Do you want more support as a parent of someone with OCD?
Do you want to talk to other parents about your experiences?
Do you want help to reduce the negative impact OCD can have on your family?
At Palo Alto Therapy, we are committed to giving you the tools to help your family live a healthier and more peaceful life!