Have you ever kept your feelings to yourself because you felt like others would judge you or they wouldn’t understand?
It takes courage to be vulnerable and honest.
Here’s how you can open up…
Rethink Vulnerability
It’s time to rethink how you define vulnerability. There are so many great benefits of connecting with others through your emotions. You can create deeper bonds and embrace the uncomfortable.
Welcome Imperfection
Want to know a secret? There’s no such thing as perfection. Chasing down this unattainable goal of being perfect can get in the way of you being yourself.
Don’t ignore the parts of yourself that you feel aren’t “perfect”. You never know – they could actually be your greatest attributes.
If we didn’t make mistakes or try new things we wouldn’t be able to grow.
Vulnerability can allow us to take on experiences with open arms and face challenges head-on.
Sharing a sincere moment with a friend or family member is enhanced by being free to be you. When you are vulnerable, you are able to admit all the ways you are learning and the mistakes you’ve made that shape your identity.