For More Information About Our Groups, Call or Text (650) 461-9026
Teen OCD Treatment Group Booking
Welcome to Palo Alto Therapy’s Online Booking Portal!
Secure your placement in our upcoming
Breaking Free from Teen OCD
Treatment Group, today!
This Teen Treatment Group will be held in our San Jose location.
To sign-up for this group you simply need to answer a few questions and provide a payment method. In order for the group to be confirmed we need at least three members to be enrolled. If this group is cancelled, you will not be responsible for payment and you will be notified of the cancellation. If you are interested in learning more about this OCD treatment group, please click here.
Upon completing enrollment online, our Care Team will be reaching out to you to schedule a one-time 30-minute one-on-one meeting with the group facilitator charged at $130. This meeting is required to join the group and will allow you time to share a bit about your experiences. It will also allow for the group facilitator to get to know you better prior to joining the group to ensure this is an appropriate resource for you.
Call or text us at (650) 461-9026 or email if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you!