Supervision and Consultation for Professionals
Are You Looking for Supervision or Consultation to Improve Your Therapy Skills?
Do You Feel Ineffective, Stuck, or Anxious with Clients?
Without the right guidance and training it’s an uphill battle to excel as a therapist. Don’t struggle alone.
Get Support from Someone Who Specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and TEAM therapy!
Take Your Skills to the Next Level
I have many years of experience providing quality supervision and consultation to fellow therapists and interns. By training with and learning from the top professionals in the field of mental health, I can pass these skills on to you. I’m passionate about effective therapy and I love helping therapists improve their abilities and increasing their enjoyment providing therapy.
Take advantage of my efforts and let me give you the very best of what I have learned to take your skills to the next level.
Call 650-461-9026
What Your Colleagues Had to Say
“I want to say how awesome of an experience it has been to be in Ernie’s CBT consultation group. The group has allowed me to learn more about CBT by Ernie teaching us how to implement the model in working with clients and more importantly for us to actually learn by doing role plays. The time has also allowed us to bring in our own cases and troubleshoot where to go next with them. Ernie’s passion and energy has really created a safe environment for me to be open about my strengths and weaknesses.” -Lisa Macedo, LMFT
“If you have any interest in CBT and want to learn more about it as well as have the opportunity to practice your skills in a safe environment, then you should really consider joining this group.Through the learning process we get to struggle together and make mistakes together, which makes this group feel safe as well as friendly and comfortable. Truly a priceless experience!”-Sharon Fischer, LCSW
“Ernie creates a warm, safe environment to practice and make mistakes and we all get to laugh at ourselves and be human. Ernie has a solid foundation in CBT and does an excellent job of presenting concepts, and then helping us apply them to our clients or our personal issues as we practice the skills. I look forward to the group each time we meet, and each time feel like I got something that I can take to use with clients. I highly recommend it.”-Allison Shotwell, MFT
Contact me to get started with private consultation/supervision or to request a free phone consultation by calling 650-461-9026.